The voice of Excellence



Most of the testimonies below are from Muslims who were healed by Jesus.
They then became Christians and served the LORD God.

    I have never darkened the halls of a school.   Since I was saved and became a Christian there has always been an inward urge to read the Holy Bible.  Many time I would lay the Bible on my sheet.   One night I dreamed someone holding a rod behind me pointing to the passages in the Bible; a bright light was also shining on the Bible.  I praise the Lord for changing my life.  [Sento Turay]

    Praise the Lord!  I have been seeking for employment [since previous year].  I sought for help from witch doctors and false prophets, who gave me juju to wear and medicine to rub.  In August I was in my bedroom when I heard some Christians preaching.  The Holy Spirit convicted me to go out and listen to the Word of God.  After [the] preaching, I disposed of the jujus and confessed my sins to Jesus Christ.  I am now washed in the blood of Jesus Christ.   After this experience the Lord has met all my needs.   Happy to say that he has given me a business and prospered it.  [Abibatu Jalloh]

    I believed that God has all the jobs.  About three days after the [open air] meeting I was called for an interview and got the job.   At night something reminded me that I should give thanks and a testimony.  The following week when the group preached at this same place I testified to the public. I was a muslim, but now I love Jesus Christ and live for him everyday.  [Zacharia Jah]

    For over eight years I had worms troubling my stomach which resulted to poor appetite and blood pressure, and little or no sleep at night.  I tried native doctors as well as treatment in hospitals but my condition worsened.  My son directed me to fellowship meetings. I was prayed for, and received a miracle.   I am completely healed.  I could now eat well, sleep soundly, and the worms trouble me no more.  Jesus Christ has healed me so I would follow Him where ever he leads me to.  [Musu Kargbo]

    A group have been holding open air meetings about 60 yards from my residence.  My day of deliverance came and I went to the meeting and stood there for 45 minutes.  Whilst the preaching was going on I felt something come out of my body; wait a minute, I am healed.  Brothers and sisters rejoice with me, I was sick of Rheumatism fifty one years (51 yr) - I could not walk nor stand for long.   I am 80 years old now.  Since I received this miracle healing from Jesus Christ, I have walked on foot and back, a distance of two and half miles.  I thank the Lord for what he has done for me and I would continue to serve him.  [Fred Cowan]

    Since childhood I had a terrible headache, I was taken to several witch doctors for treatment but no cure.  For over 30 years I could not plait my hair.  I confessed my sins and Jesus saved me at the meeting.  Next was prayers for the sick, as the prayers were offered, I felt the headache leaving my body, and I was baptized with the Holy Spirit.  I plait my hair every week now, something I could not do long before.  [Mabinty Sesay]

      I was bleeding for over one year (menstrual).  It could not stop, and it was painful and embarrassing.   After the prayer meeting, I told a brother about it, he told me about a woman who was sick with the issue of blood for twelve years and how she was healed by faith when she touched the clothes of Jesus.   This stirred me up, the brother and sister laid hands upon me and prayed.   It was just too wonderful, I received healing, the bleeding stopped, just as the woman they told me Jesus healed.  Praise and thanks to Jesus Christ.    [Monday Sesay]

    My heartiest thanks to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  For many years I have been bitterly crying for a child.   I spent a good sum of money to native (witch) and English doctors but I couldn't become pregnant.  I went to market to but foodstuff.  I saw people gathered around preaching.  I drew near and I heard about the saving grace of Jesus Christ.    I gave my life up (accepted Jesus as my Savior and Lord).  I explained my problems. Told me that Jesus loves and cares for me, that I would get a child as long as I have faith in Jesus.  I became pregnant about a month later, and I have now got a baby.  [Zainah]

      My daughter who did not show any sign of walking since birth, was taken to open air preaching.  While the prayers were offered something miraculous happened.  I carried my child on hand and felt someone stretched the foot of my daughter Veronica.  I gave testimony after the prayer; few days later Veronica walked.  [Ransolina King]

    After giving birth to a bouncing baby boy, the child did not walk at one year and six months.  This troubled me much that I wondered if he could walk again in life.  There was an outreach preaching.   I took my son [where they] prayed for the sick and laid hands on him.  Jesus healed my son, the next day he started to walk.  [Alice Lamboi]

    I am a retired driver.    For four years I was paralyzed and hospitalized, but there was no improvement, so I returned to my home town.  Hands were laid on me, and Jesus healed me.  Jesus is alive indeed.  Jesus showed me that he not only cares for me but for all of my loved ones.  My son, Amidu Timbo, who is seven years old and dumb since birth, spoke for the first time after the prayers.  There is joy in my family today because Jesus has come into our heart and home.  [Abdulai Timbo]

    About a year ago, I attended a crusade in which I confessed my sins, and accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior.   At this meeting I was baptized with the Holy Spirit and was slain by the Spirit.   When slain, I saw many angels dressed in white around me.  A couple of days after my baptism I dreamt my relative by name Mariatu ascending into heaven.  I also saw a man Jesus dressed in white robe; his face was bright.  Then he said, "you people have been denying - this is what would happen when I come for those washed in my blood."  I was a Muslim before, now that my darkness has been turned into light, I go to Muslim prayers no more. [Humu Jalloh]

    Yes indeed Jesus Christ is the truth, the way to heaven is to follow Christ.  I was a strong Muslim and having heard about the crusade, I went to mock the Christians.  The sermon was on the baptism of the Holy Ghost.   After the prayers I saw fire passed before me, and I was slain [knocked down] after a while I saw a great multitude of angels praying around us.  I looked at them speechlessly and in amazement.  I now tell my people to come to Jesus because He saves.  [Minkailu Jalloh]

    On 31st December 1980, I had an accident in which my spinal cord was dislocated.  After sometime of fruitless [hospital] treatment, I asked to be discharged to try native doctor treatment.  [After two more hospitals] the doctors told me that since my spinal cord was badly damaged, my chances of recovery were remote.  I came from a staunch Muslim family.  My ancestors are all Muslim.   A Christian, witnessed to me about the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  I was convicted of my sins, and confessed them to Jesus and I was saved by his precious blood.   Prayers were offered for me.   During the prayers, I felt something like an electric shock all over  my body and I felt the pain no more.  After the prayers, I realized that I have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and healed by the blood of Jesus Christ.  [Elsie Kargbo]

Jesus, the Messiah, is the same yesterday, today and forever.