With the Wordless Books everyone can learn how to know God, from children to adults.The Wordless Books are:

  • Economical (costing almost nothing), as they can be reproduced from "makeshift" materials at-hand.
  • Extremely effective for people who are illiterate and/or those with limited reading skills.
  • Excellent for children whether they can read or not; they love the graphic colors and remember them.
  • Easy to teach those you're teaching to use the "Wordless Books" to go teach others!

One pastor in Africa with whom we have partnered for over 20 years has started over 100 churches.

He told us: "All our Bible schools have doubled using the "Wordless Books".

How To Use the "Wordless Books"

    There are NO words to this presentation. 
It may be used in any language group of the world. 
It is effective in reaching adults, as well as children. 
All you need are five (5) different colors of paper; preferably about 5 cm x 5 cm (2 in x 2 in).  
You may use whatever colors you want; however the following seem to work the best:


    Below are the instructions for using the colors.

Print them out from your computer so you can teach others how to use them.

BLACK is for SIN
RED is for the BLOOD of Christ

BLACK  - Describe how beautiful the garden of Eden was. Tell how wonderful creation was and how God blessed Adam and Eve with close fellowship with God. Tell how Adam and Eve sinned by disobeying God. Explain that we are born in sin through the bloodline of Adam, the first man. Sin separates us from God and his power, love, and health.

RED  - God had a plan. He sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to earth to heal the separation between God and people. Just as one man (Adam) brought sin into the world, so one man (Jesus Christ) came into the world to put away sin. Jesus died on the cross to PAY for our sins. He took our punishment so we do not have to be separated from God. The RED blood of Christ washed our sins away.

WHITE  - The blood of Christ, which was shed on the cross to pay for our sins … and the sins of the world … washes us clean: whiter than white! All we have to do is REPENT (turn away from our sins), BELIEVE (trust that Christ died in our place … for our sins), and RECEIVE (ask Jesus into our lives to be our leader and Lord).

GOLD (YELLOW)  - The Holy Bible, which is God’s Word to man, tells us that in Heaven the streets are made of gold. Heaven is a wonderful place, full of love, beauty, and the glory of God. When we repent, believe, and receive Christ, God becomes our Father. When we die we get to go to Heaven and live with Him and Jesus forever!

GREEN  - We not only get to go to Heaven when we die, but we get to walk closely with our Father God every day here on earth while we live down here before we die. After Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins, God raised him from the dead. Jesus is alive and he will help you GROW up and be strong for God. Read the Holy Bible, pray, tell others about Jesus, and ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit every day!


After telling your audience (or person) what the colors mean, ask those people (or the person) who want to receive Christ to pray with you. Lead them in a prayer to INVITE Jesus Christ into their lives. Then explain the GREEN color again and tell them how to GROW in Christ with the Holy Spirit. Give them a set of colors so they can go tell others the GOOD NEWS!

    To learn more about the importance of reaching children for God,  go to:  The Greatest Outreach.  For information on prayer focusing on children and young people, go to  Adopt-A-Child Prayer League.

"Let the little children come to me, for such is the kingdom of Heaven."

The voice of Excellence